You and Lexi Travel  
 Budget-friendly adventure travels for open-minded people of any age!  

FAQ - Questions and answers

I am travelling alone. I am a solo traveller. Can I book You and Lexi Travel?

  •  Yes! I can understand that travelling alone can make you feel insecure. However, I promise you will make new friends on your adventure. If you are unsure, please feel free to contact me at any time.

I would like to come with my partner or friends. Is the trip suitable for us? 

  • As long as you are open-minded and want to get to know other people, you've come to the right place! Please note that if there are more than 3 people, you will also need to contact me. I can also organise an individual trip for your group if you are more than 4 persons.

Is it possible to get a discount on the trips?

  • The trips are planned in advance to be as budget-friendly as possible for everyone. Therefore, unfortunately, no discount can be given.

Where is the pick-up and drop-off location? Is transport included? Do I need my own car?

  • The pick-up and drop-off locations are in the tour description and are free / included. These are easily accessible with the train and airplane. 
  • You do not need your own car. However, I can understand if you prefer to travel with your own vehicle. If this is the case, please contact me in advance and I will give you our coordinates and other necessary information. You and Lexi Travel will not pay for your fuel etc.

Will I find my partner for life while travelling? Is it suitable for dating?

  • This trip is designed to find a community of like-minded adventurers.
    If there's a spark between you and a person, I'm happy for you. However, the trips are NOT Tinder and co. It's about seeing people as individuals, making genuine connections, having a good time together, being yourself and making new friends. 

My booked trip is cancelled but I booked my ticket and took leave. Now what?

  • Don't worry! For organisational reasons, the minimum number of participants must be reached and if this is not the case, the trip will be cancelled up to 2 weeks before the start. You get 100 % your money back but there are no further compensations. Nevertheless, with You and Lexi Travel you will not be left standing! You are still important to me as a person! We will find together an individual solution for you what you could do in your time. I will also be happy to help you reschedule your week accordingly.

I have booked and can no longer take part. Can I cancel and will I get my money back?

  • You can cancel up to 5 weeks before the start and get 100% of your money back.
    If you cancel up to 3 weeks before the start, you will get 50% of your money back.
    If you cancel less than 3 weeks before the start, you will get 0% of your money back.
  • This is because your accommodation and activities have to be booked for you in advance. In order to keep the trips as budget-friendly as possible for each person, these cancellation rates are therefore essential.

 The trip has been cancelled by You and Lexi Travel. Will I get my money back?

  • If your trip is cancelled by You and Lexi Travel, you will get 100 % your money back but you are not entitled to further compensation. 
  • The trip can be cancelled for organisational reasons up to 2 weeks before departure. However, this means that you will get 100% of your money back.

How does payment work? 

  • You can book and pay directly on the You and Lexi Travel website in various formats.. 
  • You and Lexi Travel must receive 100% of the payment no later than 5 weeks before the start of the trip.
  • If you have any problems with the payment or would like to pay in rates, please contact me in advance.
  • Tip: If you make a bank transfer, always download the proof of payment.

Am I too old? Am I too young? What's the right age?

  •  You can book trips beginning from the age of 21. There is no upper age limit. 
  • The important thing is that, whatever your age, you are open-minded and curious towards other human beings and other generations.
  • Babies, children and teenagers are not allowed to participate.
  • We do not strictly look at age here, because age only indicates how long you have been breathing air on earth and otherwise gives no information about the person, their maturity or their character.
  • If you can't deal with the fact that a person aged 25 and another aged 45 are taking part in the same trip, then you are in the wrong place and I would ask you to book somewhere else.

Am I sporty enough?

  • Most probably yes! If you can walk on your feet for 1.5 hours at a walker's pace, then you are. Our hikes usually cover between 7 and 15 (max. 20) kilometres, with plenty of breaks in between to enjoy nature to the full. We don't have to hurry for anything, because no matter where we go, it's already beautiful every step of the way!
  • The pace is adapted to the group. - and a secret between us: I'm not a marathon runner either and still I'm confident that I can show you all our beautiful world ;-)

I have a disability. Can I still come along?

  • If you feel that you can do this trip, the answer will already be "yes, you can come".
    However, if you are unsure, please contact me in advance and we will look at how you can best participate on a case-by-case basis.
  • Please also note here, which also applies to every person, regardless of disability, that you need valid health insurance / international health insurance in the destination country.
